Jennifer Di Francesco
I am interested in all the ways light touches the earth from the dappled shadows in the morning to the golden glow of the afternoon sun setting. I am a lover of nature. My curiosity is childlike. I am ignited with awe that there is a wood wide web that is vastly more intelligent than the World Wide Web. I close my eyes in meditation and sometimes feel a profound vastness with no limit to time and space. I look at the desert and feel this expansiveness supported.
I see the impermanence of life in the desert yet also the regeneration and It’s reaffirming to believe both to be possible. I witness a desert night sky in the middle of a barren landscape and I see multitudes of stars shining without the obstruction of light pollution. The vibe of the valley is relaxed, uncomplicated, and an open canvas for natural self-expression. I can paint my own signature and watch it unfold like a lotus flower blooming.
I watch the kestrel hawk span its wings and travel across the Mountains. I relate to the journey to spread my wings and explore beyond yet always feel the presence of home returning to this serene land. I have roots. I have roots in my tribe, my family and the past. My childhood is stored here and the story of my parents who settled here in the ’60s. I was taught by them how to be a free spirit and trail blaze. My heart is lodged in the crevasses and on the tops of mountains like a perfect fitting key inside a lock. There are captivating mysteries to the desert and mysteries to our lives that are never quite understood. Only an understanding of the palpable interconnectedness of all is the necessity at this moment and the next.
Jennifer Di Francesco is a lifelong desert bohemian adventurer. With the Coachella Valley as her native birthplace, she has crafted a life of personal wellness and mind, body and spirit balance for others with the ideals of truth, freedom and love. Jennifer brings more than twenty-five years of experience to the spa and fitness industry. Licensed in Massage Therapy, Esthetics, and a certified Pilates instructor, Jennifer has spent her career perfecting the art of spa at top resorts in California. Jennifer was a post-graduate trainer for the International Dermal Institute and a spa trainer for Kerstin Florian Skin Care. In 2005, she became a member of ISPA’s Education Committee and was a speaker on behalf of the organization in 2006, where she created presentations on spa management, resource partner relations and spa retail. Since then, Jennifer has worked as the Director of Spa Operations for The Well, at the Miramonte Resort. There she played an integral role in the opening of the spa and helped receive numerous awards such as “#1 Resort Spa in North America” by Condé Nast Traveler Magazine. Jennifer has been the Director of Spa and Fitness operations at Toscana Country Club since 2012. She leads hiking excursions, biking adventures and offers trips around the world. Jennifer enjoys remaining active in promoting health and wellness in the desert community writing a regular health column for the Desert Health newsletter. She is out on a hiking trail or a biking route somewhere in the Coachella Valley any day of the week!